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Public·2 members
September 2, 2023 · joined the group.
Welcome to Kids Connect GroupWelcome


There are many of us would like to find some open source tools or codes which you can use for your working projects , this can happen from the biggest master data source called Jithub..

There are variety of open source tools / codes / development kits available here which can help you to save time and contribute to them.


Please see if this can be helpful to you.

Online Coding Classes

I know lot of kids are very much interested in learning many things like programming / coding / designing / AI etc. to learn, develop & do some innovations. For the same I am sharing below some of online free learning websites from which you can improve / boost your knowledge in learning technologies. Google is one of the biggest source of data master that gives enough information to us on any subject you choose to learn online for free so, I would suggest you get as much information as you online for free rather used paid version. Please try to find your course online to read, practice and become a professional.

  1. Khan Academy

  2. W3 School

  3. HTML

  4. HTML , for html beginners

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